Monday, April 23, 2012


There was something about this movie. It was so futuristic, but the jokes were very funny exaggerations of our generation. Like watching television, but having obnoxious ads framing the screen would be overwhelming. It is just the thought that is amusing, if this actually happened I don't think things would go that well and we would probably end up causing our own or the worlds death. I feel like the story was similar to avatar, but kind of a lot cooler, I think, anyways. And I honestly didn't really see where the movie was going at first, because at first people were suddenly going after this guy and then all of a sudden you're playing the game..., but the game part was really cool.
It really kind of weirded me out when they would treat the game pod's like babies, basically. Just the personification of technology is almost going a little too far for me =P. I would definitely recommend this to other people though. I mean, as soon as I got home, I was raving to my boyfriend that we have to watch it! Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't have it...

Snow Crash

..The concept of this book was nuts! I mean, I feel like that about the majority of what we read, but honestly, what is going through your brain when you're creating these things! I feel like this is pretty relevant to our generation, as well as adding a lot of sci-fi, it definitely drew me in as a reader. Snow Crash, made me feel like some intense accident involved a snow storm possibly? But the fact that Snow Crash is like a virus/drug that is capable of infecting the brains of careless hackers and a mind-altering virus in reality. The idea of this is scary, because there's a slight reality to it.. But after watching eXistenz, it made me feel that same overwhelming / impending doom feeling, where ads are flying everywhere and you're so connected that privacy is a foreign concept. I also, not enjoyed the actuality, but thought it was interesting visualizing this horror stricken place, but it's L.A... kind of like Grand Theft Auto..

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


First and foremost, because I had never read this before, I didn't imagine this story to essentially be about princess, but I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed reading this, because I do not read books like this usually. I mean, I read Harry Potter and fell in love with it, but that even took my Grandma some time to get me to read it, but the magical element of the novel helped engage me more.. One of the things that stood out to me were the cultural differences and misunderstandings and unfortunately, it reminded me of my family from England, in a sense. I say this because, these when cultural misunderstandings are present, it usually forms a bias, which I personally think is wrong. A while ago, my grandmothers (Nanny) sister came to visit and they are originally from England, but Barbara currently is living in South Africa. I had never been in a situation where someone was so racially blunt in public and she made it so casual too. After she said "the blacks" and just the degrading way she spoke of them, made me realize how war can really effect someones views on something. I also really appreciated Brandon's choice to choose the other route, where one of the princesses, in fact the incorrect one, was forced to marry this man she does not want to, as apposed to the common cheesy ending. Overall, it was a nice change of pace from what I am usually exposed to.